Providing a Pathway
An important part of our mission is to help you to become comfortable living in your faith and impacting the lives of others through sharing Jesus' message of salvation. We know it isn't easy right now, because it wasn't for us either, but let us show you how ordinary people can do extraordinary things.
Sharing our faith with the people we run into every day can be an intimidating journey, but as we become aware that Jesus is right here with us, the journey becomes both amazing and peaceful. Our workshops will show you things that will expand your mind, create positive changes in your life, as well as ways to approach the friends and family that need Jesus. We share the things that we've tried, tested, and tweaked; they work for us and they'll work for you too.
Always know that you have a family of believers right here, who support you on this journey, so we can all make JESUS famous together ❤️
We would like to invite you to attend our first "Follow Me" workshop, the Life Of A Believer Series. This is a program we've put together that teaches you how to grow in faith, gain the peacefulness that God wants for all of us, along with the art of sharing Jesus with friends and family. Join us to learn about finding your purpose in the journey of life, living the way God meant for us, and filling the emptiness that's inside with the Holy Spirit's peace, hope, and love.
The "Follow Me" workshop consist of 2 series; The Life of a Believer and Fruit for the Vine. During these workshops we'll take you through each step in a fun and relaxed way, it's all about encouraging and equipping you for the journey.
Each series includes easy to follow digital study guides that lead you through each week. The workshops are completed in groups of 4-6 people that meet weekly online for 30-45 minutes; we review the weeks material, share our experiences, and discuss any questions the group has. We've found these smaller groups allow for a better experience and also provides for private 1-on-1 time with the group leader.
How will you respond when Jesus says "Follow Me" ? After completing this workshop you'll have no problem responding with an absolute YES !
Visit our workshop page
Want to know an easy, non-threatening way to share Jesus? It's as simple as wearing and sharing your faith with Christian designed shirts and hoodies. Seriously, people will compliment, comment on, and start conversations when they see you wearing these. It opens the door for us to share our faith with others in a way that's very easy!
Spread the love with custom designs by let's make JESUS famous
Please take a look at our ENCOURAGEment blog, where we share stories to inspire and encourage you on the journey of sharing your faith.