What does a Christian-life look like

In my opinion a Christian life is a life that walks in love, kindness, forgiveness, and Jesus. It’s not the clothes we wear, the food we eat, or even going to church every weekend. These items are external elements, they can make people question our Christianity, but that’s why it’s written that we should always be prepared to answer people (1Peter 3:15-17). The life we live should reflect Jesus in everything we do, if it doesn't, then perhaps it's time to reassess what we are reflecting.


Does this mean that we must defend ourselves as Christians?

Yes, but it’s more of explaining why we believe something is okay, but doing so with kindness.

Let’s use church for example - church is meant to strengthen, teach, and remind… it’s all for our benefit. However, it doesn’t define us as Christians, but benefits us by providing an environment to enrich our lives. Not going to church every weekend doesn’t mean we’re sinning, we may be missing out, but it’s not sinful.

Does a person have to go to church to be a Christian? The church is Jesus’ body, why would a Christian not want to become a part of that? The bible says where 2 or 3 are gathered in Jesus name, then He is there with them ( Matthew 18:20)…. so a church isn’t necessarily a building, it’s more a body of believers in Jesus.


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Why does any of this matter?

Because Satan seeks to ruin our testimony and hide our identity in Jesus. As the children of God, we must never allow sin to conceal that identity. We all sin because we’re imperfect people in a fallen world, however, do not let Satan bury us in that sin. When we mess up, and we will, we ask Jesus to forgive us and we try harder. Living a Christian life is an outward projection of the love, faith, and hope we have in Jesus...  imperfectly perfect ☺

Being a Christian is the greatest privilege of our lives, so let's not be ashamed to represent Jesus. Instead, let’s show others through our actions, so that they can clearly see our identity is in Him. Every day gives us new opportunities to represent Jesus, and as Christians we take part in fulfilling God's will by sharing the gospel with everyone around us.

Live and share the gospel with our coworkers, do a kind deed for a stranger, send an encouraging note to a friend, and instead of seeing a dirty person off the streets, see a soul who can be cleaned by the blood of Jesus.

The Christian life is recognized by consistently living in love, kindness, forgiveness, and walking with Jesus. When our life and deeds match the gospel’s message, then Jesus is shining through us to the people around us. 

Walking with you in Jesus, your family in Christ